domingo, 29 de abril de 2012

Grandparents for Every of Us for Ever

By: Fernando-x Arteaga
Everyone admires someone who could be the most marvelous being on the earth. That being will be considered as the only one representing wisdom, love, beauty, or peace. However, it is difficult to choose one person to investigate because there are several situations with unforgettable people in my life. Whom would you decide to search about if you could only choose just one? I was thinking about this for many days and I couldn´t sleep at night for awhile.  I had many options for great people to write about and most of them had important teachings for me, but I eventually decided to do some research on my grandmother´s life. Her life is like an interesting tale, in which we can discover incredible and practical teachings of a woman that was born in the countryside, near the border of a small town.  
My mother used to narrate stories about my grandma and I was excited about listening and imagining them. Now, I am 23 years old and I cannot remember certain important details of those terrific yarns. I believe they are very important to my life because my personality and mood could have their origins in those stories. Usually, my grandma´s life was an example of life everywhere, when I was a child. I solved problems thinking what she would have done if she had been there. Actually, I ask myself why my grandma has become the most beloved person to me and why the stories about her come to my mind so regularly. I remember that once upon a time in a small town called Saint Gabriel, in which the sun shines like gold in the sky spread as if a cleanest carpet was cast by Good over the town, a cute elder woman had to look after two hungry little children alone. One of the two young ladies was my mother. Also, my grandma´s husband died when their babies were born and she didn´t have a permanent job to support them because of her unfortunate illiteracy. With no other job prospects, she began to sell bread walking through every street in her town, where the clouds seem the clearest cotton painted by cherubs while the birds flap on the deep in the sky as if they were stars sparkling in the day.  In that town, my brave grandmother, without money in her pockets, incredibly fed her family by herself. When I listened to those stories, I learned to be valiant, hardworking and also not yielding to anything.
Searching about my grandmother´s life and relating it with my childhood was a fabulous experience because I have discovered many surprises. First of all, I visited my aunt last weekend on November, 2010, and I started looking at my relative’s photo albums, in which my grandmother was pictured. The albums not only have funny pictures, but also have sad ones. Then, various anecdotes were related by my oldest aunts during the whole night and I began again imagining everything that they had said. The next step was talking to my mother even though she lives in another city. Yesterday, I spent hours and hours talking to her by phone. I knew my grandmother´s date of birth, address, likes, dislikes, and customs. I really had a good time listening to my mother. I could learn more about the history of my hometown and family through the tales about my grandmother.
At the end of my research I learned why my relatives used to say that I was like my grandmother. I have had quite the same problems as she and I have taken equal actions to solve them. The stories that my mother told me during my childhood have been tools of survival. Therefore, she becomes important as an example of life in my family. She won´t be remained as a famous saint but she shared love, peace, and freedom. She overcame all of the difficulties a person could, even living in poverty. She showed her family how to be courageous, honest and proud. She was like a super heroine in the tale of her life. It was an amazing experience because by talking about her, my family and my relatives got much closer.
Finally, I would like to ask if you admire someone in your family. Who has been, as the strongest pillar in your life? Try to discover it if you don´t know it yet. I have understood part of my life searching about my grandmother due to her incredible and true stories of boldness. I can say that everybody in the world carries inside their heart someone, as an example of what life should be about. It is astonishing to research about someone close to you. You cannot imagine what mysterious topics you can find.  Last, I want you to come across some information about whom you admire. It won´t only be to reinforce your feelings of her or him, but also to answer questions that you might have while learning more about your forefathers.

jueves, 19 de abril de 2012

Poema Abril

                                                                                    Por: Fernando-x Arteaga

El aroma infinito del cielo, tiene color de amor,
llano como  lienzo preparado para erigir una historia,
y caminos astrales se pintan con tu mirada de miel y calor.
Son las nubes, las estrellas o el sol y la luna una memoria,
memoria inmortal de ti en este lienzo de cielo que soy yo.
Los pasos del viento se sienten cuando con él tus palabras trae,
y el cielo se obscurece llorando cuando en él tu voz no suena.

Es el susurro de verano cuando moja tu cuerpo pidiendo que le mires,
que sientas  en la luna enviada por él,
 un cantar cual sonido de sirena
hechizado  por las melodías el amor
con el azul en su rostro que se refleja en los mares.
Las estaciones cambian apasionadamente
y el cielo se reviste de mil tonos
pero siempre sobre la base del azul de amor.

Sobre la primavera de tu mirada siempre azul,
sobre el invierno de tu voz siempre azul,
sobre el otoño de tus manos siempre azul,
sobre el verano de tu piel siempre azul;
azul eternamente enamorado de ti,
azul eternamente sobre ti.

Mira el cielo que te está amando a plenitud,
se tiñe de rosa cuando tu le miras,
llueve de condena cuando no lo piensas,
se envuelve entre las nubes cuando  te alejas,
brilla con el sol cuando le hablas;
y en las noches cobija tu sombra,
te mira cauteloso a través de la luna,
te pinta estrellas infinitas cuando te piensa.
El cielo te habla con el arcoíris en sus mejillas,
con los sinceros colores de la vida
procurando que ninguno falte,
porque mientras la vida exista
este cielo existirá para ti.

El cielo no tiene fin, tanto como el poder de quien lo creo,
fue Dios que acaricio su energía para que se enamorara de ti,
bajo el poder de Él, te ama interminablemente así como él es,
azul, claro, eterno de tu rostro e infinito.
Este amor  celestial si existe:
como un deseo color de cielo porque  es parte de la creación;
como un deseo color de cielo porque la creación lo comparte.
Levanta tu mirada amor mío
que sobre ti está  extendido el amor,
descubre que quien se enamoró de ti no te juzga,
quien se enamoró de ti solo está allí,
transparente, eterno, paciente,
pensativo, amante, sincero, orgulloso,
azul, intenso, vivo, por siempre allí.

 En cada paso este cielo está sobre cualquier cosa,
generoso, cauteloso por verte feliz,
siempre allí en complicidad con el universo por verte
siempre feliz, más feliz  que todos los dioses de la vieja Grecia,
más feliz que en el propio Olimpo,
tan feliz que no importa nada.
Este cielo lleva mi nombre,
creado con la pureza del verdadero amor.
Este cielo es mi cuerpo,  la memoria inmortal de ti;
es este lienzo de cielo que soy yo, enamorado de ti.
Te amo.

Del poemario: " Soledad" 
Año: 2010